Independent Appeals Penalty Fares Panel member recruitment

05 January 2024

Transport Focus is looking for up to 15 individuals to form a new Independent Appeals Panel for penalty fares.

We are looking for suitable individuals to make up panels of three members who will look at third stage penalty fares appeals and make decisions on them. You will need to act as independent arbitrators for those appeals which reach the third stage and consider the evidence of the previous appeals.

The roles are part-time and a per-case fee will be paid.

The closing date for applications is Friday 16 February 2024.

Download the following documents below to apply:

  • information pack (includes full details on how to apply)
  • terms of appointment
  • supporting information form.

If you need help or further information, please contact us at

Independent Appeals Panel Information Pack and how to apply
Independent Appeals Panel terms of appointment
Independent Appeals Panel supporting information form
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